This was the most comprehensive project I was involved in during my time at the Indiana Memorial Union. I’m especially proud of it because everyone on our team submitted concepts, and I ended up being chosen! As the “junior” designer, it was a big feather in my cap. My initial concept stuck very close to Indiana University branding, and my font and graphical treatments were dignified and classic in feel. This event is for alumni who served in a small and prestigious group with responsibilities over a fixture on the campus, so I definitely wanted to evoke a feeling of importance and nostalgia.
My contact on the Union Board loved the photos I used in my concept that focused on a mundane but beautiful part of the Union. It’s an old building with countless architectural details that one can overlook when they visit every day. We decided to make these little details the focus of our materials, and ultimately made them into a fun scavenger hunt for event attendees. I hope that many of them came to notice some things that they may not have seen, even when they were students!
Walking all over the Union finding beautiful things for my designs was a blast. Photography by Shanay Payne!
From there, it was simply a matter of getting all the required information together and laying out the materials.
I ended up getting another job before the “day of” event materials were done, so I had to ensure all of the templates were set up for someone to come in behind me and finish. It was enlightening to see how another designer interpreted my directions. Altogether, I’m pleased with how this project came out and grateful for the opportunity!
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